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Self Love

Ok let me explain! (mainly to my Mom!) I'm personally reclaiming the word along with all the other fierce queens that know their power, their worth, their strength! YASSS Queens. That's not to discourage the boys & men all power to them, some are delicious. My point is (with a hint of help from my idol Ru Paul) Cunt is not an insult, It stands for Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve & Talent. Let me introduce you to some friends to remind you....


Carla Charisma

Carla is the Momma bear of the gang, wise, caring & protective, but always there to tell you if you've acted like a tit, all said with love. Carls is powerful & a reminder of the power that lays inside us all. She is colourful & outgoing, can be a bit of a day dreamer & loves a cuppa!

Ulla Utter Uniqueness

Awww Ulla, what a weirdo, my fave! Ulla is equal amounts of witchy & bitchy. Throw away the rule book! they do as they please, always learning & absorbing knowledge. Wearing all the colours, the clashier the better. Loves learning new spells, collects crystals loves to bare foot in nature. This is one bad bitch. Life has kicked their arse, now she's kicking back. Their mission now is too spread the word of ''Do what the fuck you like!'' as long as you are not hurting others, do what makes you happy.


Nelle Belle Nerve

Oh she bad, bad to the bone! Nelle is as brave as she is kind. Loves all animals & has a calming affect on them. Legend says with the help of her elf like ears she can hear the call of any animal in distress. She teaches us all, that we are braver & kinder than we ever thought possible.

Trudy Rudy Talent

Trudy is the ultimate sex kitten, although she prefers her little dog Podge. She loves sex, & what? Guess what ladies we are allowed. Oi Oi!x Trudy's favourite colour is red, she wears it as much as she can. She's FIT, but my gosh don't she know it? yes she does. That is powerful. She is charming, funny & totally adorable. She is super talented, from her circus tricks to her pancake flipping, always looking bloody stunning. Her secret is her beauty shines from deep within, just like it does in each & everyone of us. Go on GIRL! 

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